
I am a Wildlife Photographer and Graphic designer, with intercontinental experience.

I have 10+ years working as photographer, Wildlife photographer, brand designer, graphic designer and project manager in multiple creative industries such as advertisement, virtual reality, educational, nature conservation, product photography, interior photography and music in the UK and Italy.

I graduated from Fabiani & Deledda, high school, Trieste, Italy in 2016.
I graduated from Accademia di belle Arti Santa Giulia, Brescia, Italy in 2020.

I worked on a 2+ years project with XRHUB London about filming 360° and recording audio 360° for research and develop of the next generation of hearing aids, I was closely collaborating with art director Phan Tu on multiple international brand design and graphic design projects, and last 2 years following the migratory birds with my brother and two cars making documentaries in virtual reality about migratory birds in Europe and Africa.
