West African Youth

African Portraits

West African youth

When we are young we don’t see problems, we don’t see limits, we don’t understand things we actually think we are gonna stay like this forever. Inevitably we grow and problems starts to arrive in our direction and we are forced to live in a world full of adversities.
At least this is what i was thinking until i reach Guinea-Bissau, West Africa, i grow up in Trieste, Italy and there i was in the western society until i even start breathing and everything is programmed and i should know at a certain age what i have to do in my life.
I arrived in Guinea-Bissau because of the Bird Migration and the amount of nature available, i actually never thought of how people live in that nation. I was in Mansôa, 50 km from Bissau the capitol, there is a specific area where Black-Crowned Cranes lives and is also the only place in Guinea-Bissau where is possible to see them.
The area where the Cranes are, is in the River Mansôa which in the dry season, from October to May, is dryer than the Summer where the thunderstorms bring the wet season and make the river overflow. I was there in February 2024 where is the peak of the dry season and probably the warmest moment of the year, this makes filming the cranes even more difficult was, dealing with 45 degrees, 75% of humidity and mosquitos tormenting day and night. But we forgot one thing, there is people that live in this area, and you can imagine what kind of things they saw in their life.
The only moment when is possible to see the Cranes is in the hottest time of the day and in the middle of the road that pass through the river, under the hottest sun i ever been without even a little breeze, that is the most difficult place i ever been.
At that moment you think: who is crazy enough to go around at that time of the year? of course the local kids, those kids didn’t look really healthy and they where barely cover by clothes. As soon i stopped the car away fro them they immediately start walking silently toward my car and not trying to speak a bit of all the languages i know, but they still not have idea of what i’m saying, they speak only Creole which is based on the Portuguese language.
They didn’t want anything, they didn’t ask for money, food, water or anything else, they just wanted to touch my car and staying around me, they start to just sit on the floor in the shadow of the car, i started watching them and they where playing a game with the sand of the road, they where digging holes in a circle like a flower and then filling them with sand.
I stayed there for almost one hour observing them and viceversa without sharing any word, after a while i head back to the basecamp and i never saw them again.

That moment with those kids told me a life lesson i will never forget, is not necessary to talk to comunicate with other individuals, sometimes just let it be and observe gives you what you need in life.